Category: Programming

PHP Lessons 9: Session and Cookies


Hello there, back with some PHP lessons. It’s been quite a while. Got loads of projects to deal with at work and wasn’t feeling like typing codes at home.

This lesson will deal about session ($_SESSION) and cookies ($_COOKIES)…(This kind of cookie has nothing to do with cookies our grand-mother used to cook for us ๐Ÿ˜€ )

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PHP Lessons 8: Server Constants and HTML Forms


Hello there, it’s been a while, I’ve been very busy with work and some personal project, so i had to delay the PHP courses, but anyway, I’m back and today we’ll have a look at Server Constants.

Take a look at, on the right side, we have a search form, when you type in a search keyword and press Enter, the page loads and it fetch every results according to what you typed. Ever wonder how it works? Don’t go any further, today I will show you bring a boring html form to life.

Before I start, if you missed the array tutorials, then please, go to the link below, and read the post, give it a try.. because you’ll need to understand how arrays work in order to understand this lesson fully.

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PHP Lessons 7: Functions in PHP


Ok guys and girls, this is lesson 6 and I hope we can at least get to lesson 100! ๐Ÿ˜€

Today we will have a look at functions in PHP. First, what’s a function? It’s simply a sort of container for code. Whenever you call the function, the code inside gets executed. Also, functions can accept parameters, which are values that the function needs to work. If you remember a bit of your maths, “cos x” is a function, and x is the parameter or argument. Usually the result you get by doing the cosine operation is the return value. Just remember those terms for later.

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PHP Lessons 6: Break and Continue


Last time we saw how to work with the different kinds of loops: the While, Do While, For and Foreach loops. Today, we are going to see two keywords, “break” and “continue” that you may use to operate on loops and Switch blocks. You can consider this to be a continuation of the Loops lesson.

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PHP Lessons 5: Loops



In this lesson, we will have a look at the foreach function in php.

First, what is a loop? I’d say something that repeats or involves a repetition can be considered a loop. In programming, you use a loop to have a bunch of codes run for a number you set. If there were no loops, you’d have to write that piece of code x times if you wanted to run it for x times, which is crazy! Read on to know the solution!

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PHP Lessons Part 4: Arrays


Ok, even some developers who already understand php a little are always confused about arrays and don’t really know how to use them. In this lessons, we will try to cover the basic uses of Arrays in PHP.

When you declare a variable, it can only hold one value. Like the example below:


$my_variable = "This is some text";


As you can see, it can only store “This is some text”, or a single value. But what if you have to store multiple values which have some relationship between them? Let’s take an example from the previous lesson, remember our guy named John? We declared his age. Let’s say we want to add his name, location etc. We can do it like this:

$persons_age = ’16’;
$persons_name = ‘John’;
$persons_location = ‘California’;

But with the use of arrays, you can store all of that information in one variable. Like below:


$persons = array('John','16','California');


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PHP Lessons Part 3: Conditional Statements


Today we will have a look at what Conditional Statements are.

Conditional Statements allow you to perform different kinds of actions based on a given condition. It can either return true or false.

A little Non-Programming example to give you an idea of Conditional Statement Below:

Let’s consider a guy named John, is 16 years old and wants to go to a casino. Unfortunately, casinos doesn’t allow Minors.

So basicaly, the condition is:

If John is less than 18 years old, then don’t let him inside the casino, else, let him in.

Now there are two words that are always used in PHP Conditional Statement. They are “IF” and “ELSE”. Before going on, you should know we are using caps here for emphasis. When using these keywords in code, they are lowercase! PHP is case-sensitive. “IF” and “if” are different things for PHP. Use “if” in code.

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