Tag: Anniversary

Happy 1st Birthday GeekScribes!


Today, 26th of March 2009, marks the 1st anniversary of GeekScribes!

We started out initially as a purely technical blog, and were simple blogging amateurs. Over the year, we have learnt a number of techniques, experimented a number of platforms and encountered quite a lot of difficulty to people to know what GeekScribes is.

Today, we are happy that after 1 year of effort, we are seeing the fruits of our efforts! Our readership base has broadened, and we have now started blogging on a variety of subjects and not only purely technical stuff, though we still highly love our niche!

I take this opportunity to send our biggest THANK YOU to our faithful readers and supporters and hope that we will still enjoy your company for the years to come! Thank you for making GeekScribes what it is today. As always, we welcome your comments and suggestions! 🙂