Tag: How to Buy

A Simple Laptop Buying Guide




I saw a post somewhere the other day about people wanting to know what to look for in a laptop before they buy one. This inspired me to write a short guide on what you should pay attention to when looking for a laptop.

The problem with such guides is that they never remain relevant for very long considering how fast the field evolves. So I tagged the date in Bold. If it has been more than 6 months after this tag date, consider this article semi irrelevant. If it’s been more than a year from the tag date, completely ignore it! :D

Anyways here goes. Laptops are more and more common nowadays. People usually prefer laptops to desktops because of their mobility and in-built battery. This means you can have a portable computer and an in-built UPS at the same time. In the past, the price was quite prohibitive, and well, performance was not one of the best. Nowadays, you can even find gaming-grade laptops, but these are not usually sold for less than $1000. So here’s a set of questions you need to ask when buying your lappy!

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